How to Convert HND to BEng In Nigeria

There has been a lot of calls and questions from readers asking how to convert a Higher National Diploma (HND) to a bachelors degree in engineering (BEng) and this we shall be giving a thorough attention in this article.

We already know Higher National Diplomas are issued to graduates after obtaining a National Diploma, Under going a 1 year Industrial Training and then returning to the Polytechnic to study for another 2 Years during which a more advanced knowledge of all you’re taught during your National Diploma level.

But What then happens after obtaining this qualification? A lot really happens that it takes only someone who has received a first hand experience to write about this for all to benefit from.

Why is this Piece of Information important?

Because after obtaining a higher national diploma, a lot of graduates are faced with different challenges or do I say “Dichotomy” which makes it look like HND holders are no part of the big picture.

Do you know that over 90% of job advertisements in Nigeria often rule our the HND? Do you also know most Nigerian Employers would never accept application letters from HND Holder? (See this Outcry by a group of Nigerians whose CVs, application letters were turned down while searching for jobs in Nigeria)

This means for most HND holders, there are a small number of jobs to which they can apply. A lot of Employers won’t regard HND holders as they’re of the opinion that such qualifications is inferior.

The truth about HND and BEng

The bitter truth is an engineering graduate with a Higher national diploma is more practically trained since his course work involved a good number of real life practical unlike his BEng counterparts whose more than 95% of their educational time was spent theoretically only.

This does not rule out the fact that there are a good number of higher institutions in Nigeria offering BEng to trained and experienced Young graduates but the thing is the number is quite small.

What is the Best way to Convert HND to BEng?

There are a good number of ways to convert a higher national diploma to a Bachelor’s degree in Engineering.

Readers are urged to understand that no matter what pathway you chose, your time and financial commitment is a must in order to achieve it successfully.

HND holders are also reminded to hold tightly to their practical experiences gained during their time at the polytechnics because those are the most important thing when you get out to the field.

1. Direct Entry Pathway

The most straightforward means of converting your HND to a University degree is to process a Direct Entry into any of the Nigerian federal, state or Private universities.
This allows you get admitted into a 300L. Remember that undergraduate engineering programs takes 5 years to complete.

Starting again from 300 level means you’ll need to study for an additional 2 years after which you’ll receive your Bachelors degree in Engineering (BEng)

2. Direct Entry into 400 Level

This is another pathway that allows Higher National Diploma holders transition into a Bachelors degree in engineering.

The only bottleneck here is there are only a few universities willing to offer you admission into 400 level.

But on successful admission, you’ll get to study for just 1 year after which you’ll be issued a Bachelors Degree in Engineering

Top 6 Nigerian Universities that Accepts HND Into 400 Level

Since we’re talking about enrolling into a University and continuing from 400 Level, it is important for readers to know which and what Universities to submit an application to and these are listed below. According to Fundyourfees, in their Universities that Accepts HND into 400 Level post, they mentioned the following universities:

  1. Ignatius Ajuru University Of Education
  2. Southwestern University
  3. Federal University Oye, Ekiti
  4. Babcock university
  5. Bells University of Technology*
  6. Ajayi Crowther University

* applicants are advised to approach the University admission officer in order to receive current information about Getting admitted into 400L programs.

3. Degree Top Up Programs

Degree top up programs are programs spanning between 2 to 3 years and specially designed for Polytechnic graduates with HND. There are a few Nigerian Universities offering these kinds of programs but reader is encouraged to chose between option 1 or 2 above as those are more straightforward and the road map to completion and graduation is well spelt out!

Why is it Important to Convert a HND to Bachelor Degree?

In a recent post, we mentioned 4 reasons why Universities reject Application from HND Holders

where we pointed to the fact that HND is an academic program typically having a more vocational focus than university degrees, and the curriculum may not be as rigorous or comprehensive.

Nice Scholarship also pointed to the fact that HND Programs often require lower entry requirements as well. It was also highlighted that Most of the polytechnics issuing such diplomas lacks Brand Recognition thereby making it hard for graduates to secure useful employment or admission into graduate Programs.

With the above, it is therefore very important as converting to a Bachelors degree would help these graduates stand tall among peers, boost their confidence and help them compete equally with their mates from around the world!

Wrapping Up…

Converting a Higher National Diploma into a Bachelors Degree in Engineering is quite a process that requires a lot of determination, time and finances, but the benefits supersedes the expenses as a B Eng. would open up more doors for you as a HND Holder. From Author’s experience, it is not easy with a HND in Countries like ours. Even in the corporate entity, all your efforts will be attributed to someone who might not be as skilled and knowledgeable as you are, he will receive more pay than you too!

Author is appealing to everyone to make this information as widely spread as possible so that people can take note and make the right decisions!

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