You’re Qualified for Lauren Czebatul Scholarship 2024 – Apply Now

If you’re a high school senior from a low-income background, a college freshmen or a junior looking forward to advancing into a higher education, then The Lauren Czebatul Scholarship is one you may want to try your hands on.

The Scholarship program was established as a way of remembering Miss Lauren Czebatul who during her lifetime left an indeclinable mark on the heart of students, academic staff who were fortunate enough to know her.

In this article, readers are encouraged to pay close attention as relevant details such as Eligibility requirements, Application process as well as the various benefits of this scholarship would be highlighted!

Lauren Czebatul Scholarship Eligibility Requirements

In order to qualify for Lauren Czebutal scholarship, applicants are required to meet the following criteria.

Applicants must:

  • Be a high school senior or a fresh college student in their 2nd year
  • Come from a low-income background which suggests he or she is in dire financial need. This is to ensure that only students with proven financial need gets the opportunity.
  • Have obtained a Respectable GPA pf 3.0 or higher as this is the only way to prove their academic commitment and excellence.
  • Have a proven track record in extracurricular activities like sports, volunteering.

Lauren Czebatul scholarship Application Process

The Lauren Czebatul scholarship program has an application process that is straightforward. Lets learn a few things about Lauren CZebatul application process below!

  • Students interested in applying for Lauren Czebatul scholarship are encouraged to share only a unique story as it relates with their experiences as volunteers.
  • They’re also reminded to highlight the various ways in which their volunteering has influenced their mindset and transformed their lives.
  • Applicants are also reminded to articulate their genuine financial need for the scholarship as this makes it easy for the selection committee to pick the best from the pool.
  • Submission of application ends August 4, 2024 as selected applicants would be announced September, 2024

How is Lauren Czebatul Scholarship Award distributed?

The award system for Lauren Czebatul scholarship is such that publicly recognizes selected winners. This ceremony usually takes place on the 4th of September every year. The distribution system is such that the scholarship fund is sent directly to the financial aid office of the student’s current or future academic institution after which it gets applied to their tuition fees.

It is important to Note that verification of applicant’s academic enrollment will be carried out to ensure the award is granted.

How Much is Lauren Czebatul Scholarship award Prize?

The scholarship is one that offers up to $5590 to selected students as it aims to make it a little easier for winning students to ease the financial burden from their struggling families/Guardians.

Terms and Conditions for Lauren Czebatul Scholarship

To avoid disqualification, candidates are encouraged to religiously adhere tp the official Scholarship rules as non-compliance will not be tolerated, could lead to a an outright disqualification.

Candidates are therefore advised to follow the guidelines and study carefully the application process, selection criteria, notification procedure as well as the awarding terms and conditions.

Parents are encouraged to give their consent when kids lower than 18 years old are involved!

Wrapping Up

Czebatul Scholarship program is one inaugurated to celebrate an extraordinary student whose presence created a lot of positive impact on those that were opportune to know her. Being a committed student with a minimum of 3.0 CGPA Automatically qualifies one to apply. You’re most fitting when you’ve had previous volunteering experience too!

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