How to Move to Austria With Red White Red Job Seeker Visa

If your dream has been to relocate to Austria without a valid job offer, Nice scholarship is here with an exciting guide to help you relocate to Austria in no long time Just help yourself by paying more than Usual attention to this post! This post is about Austrian Red-white-Red Job seeker Visa and how you can qualify for it!

What is Austrian Red-White-Red Job seeker Visa?

Austria Red white red Job seeker Visa is your one-way ticket to securing a full time employment and living in Austria. This is under the Austrian scheme that allows very highly skilled and qualified workers to come into Austria for 6 months, search for jobs, secure one and convert their Job seeker visa to Red-White-Red card.

This is a point based route for you as a professional looking for ways to build a career within Europe.

Your points are calculated based on a number of factors like Age, educational Qualification, Work experience, English Language Proficiency, etc.

Applicants with at least 65 points or above are deemed qualified for this program and they can proceed to the next stage.

Documents required for Austrian Red-white-red Job seeker Visa

You’re required to have the following documents ready before applying for the Red-white-red Job seeker Visa and we’ll explain below!

Current International Passport

Must be valid for at least 6 months before the date of submission of visa application.

Educational Credentials

Since you’re a skilled individual, every documentation that qualifies you as one is necessary in this journey. Get your Degrees and certifications, licenses and permits ready.

Professional Credentials

If you’re a doctor, get your professional licenses ready, if you’re an Engineer, get your COREN license ready too.

Recent Medical Report

This would require you to walk into a government medical facility to obtain a health medical report.

Police Clearance Report

Walk into a police station and obtain a clearance report certifying that you’re of good character.

Refer to Red-white-red Documents Download Page for more official information on required documents for Austria Red-white-red job seeker visa.

How to Apply for Austria Red-white-red job Seeker Visa

First of all, Refer to the official Invitation Page to check if you’re able to score at least 65 points and follow the instructions that comes afterwards.

Conclusion: It is no longer just about Canada, United Kingdom and the US. There are more interesting states you can migrate to even without having a job.

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