10 Reasons Why Education Is Important


School may not be the most exciting place to be on a day-to-day basis, but it’s incredibly important to the success of students and the future of the country. If you’re still in school, here are 10 reasons why education is important and why you should be working hard to make sure you get the most out of your time there.

1) A good education opens doors

Good grades, a degree, and a credential can open doors and lead to success. While any college graduate might tell you that school is important for reasons beyond landing a job, in today’s economy, jobs are more likely to go to those with higher education. In fact, according to one report from Georgetown University’s Center on Education and Workforce, 65 percent of new jobs will require at least some postsecondary education by 2020.

But before college or even high school begins, it helps to take an honest look at what your education is doing for you. Sure, schools give us all kinds of benefits like facts and skills—but they also introduce us to new people who become our friends and business contacts later in life.

​Having a degree doesn’t just increase your chances of getting a job. It can make your job easier, too. College graduates who have jobs earn more than those who don’t, according to data from 2012 by Pew Research Center. They also are less likely to be unemployed and more likely to enjoy good health and work-life balance. While education may not mean everything, it’s often one of those first pieces in life that make all the difference.

2) A good education can change your life

Whether you’re fresh out of high school or have a few years under your belt, you’ve probably heard that getting a degree can give you an edge in today’s economy. While it’s true that college graduates earn more over their lifetimes than those who stop their education after high school, there are lots of reasons why going to college is important even if you don’t want to be an academic. Attending university gives students opportunities they wouldn’t have had otherwise and helps them develop valuable life skills; it also helps prepare students for jobs they may not even realize exist! Whether you’re trying to get your first job, move up at work or switch careers entirely, a good education will benefit you in countless ways.

​Good schooling doesn’t stop with the university, though. Even if you’ve already finished your degree, getting further education is still an important way to advance your career. Continuing education courses like night classes or online courses can help you develop new skills in an industry you’re already interested in or open up opportunities in another field altogether. Not only that, but job seekers with at least some college are more likely to get a job than those who never attended college at all, so there’s no such thing as too much school! If you want to stand out from other candidates and get that high-paying job or career-changing promotion you’ve been working towards, it’s smart to keep learning even after graduation day.

3) A good education can earn you more money

With so many careers coming and going in a decade or less, one of your biggest investments can be an education. A college degree has been shown to bring higher salaries for decades—and if you study a high-demand field like math or engineering, you may never worry about employment again. An investment in education is only worth it if you really use what you’ve learned; make sure you keep up with new developments in your industry as they happen!

​Even if you end up pursuing a high-paying job outside of your field, there are plenty of ways to make use of your education in other fields. In many countries, education is required for licensure or certification as a professional: accountants, real estate agents, and doctors must generally pass rigorous exams before they can practice legally. Even if you don’t see yourself in a traditional career path, you might find that a little extra knowledge about math or English can help you advance in any number of jobs.

4) A good education lets you explore new things

Education helps open your mind to new experiences and ideas. After all, that’s why so many kids like school: it’s a chance to learn about things that are unfamiliar, which in turn sparks interest and creativity. Whether you want to be an astronaut or an archaeologist, art historian or zoologist—or even if you don’t know what you want to do yet—it all starts with education.

Take advantage of that fact; don’t waste your time watching TV and playing video games (even though they are fun). Instead, work hard in school and you might find yourself with a whole new world at your fingertips.

A good education is important for your career: Not only will a good education help you find interesting and fulfilling things to do, but it’s also crucial to helping you get started in your career. After all, your career is what sustains you and provides for your family, so getting off on the right foot can make a huge difference.

Although there are many factors that influence whether or not someone does well in their job, such as hard work and persistence, having a solid education is an important step.

5) It teaches you how to learn

You can always learn something new! Even if you already have a degree and feel like you know everything, there’s always more to discover. Learning is important because it expands your worldview—and that expands your future career options too. If there’s something you want to do but don’t know how to get started, educational resources are only a Google search away.

Keeping yourself in an open-minded learning state makes it easier for opportunities to come along and for your creativity to flow when they do. (It doesn’t hurt that employers value employees who have shown dedication to ongoing self-improvement either.) Just remember: Education is not limited to your childhood schooling years; learn what interests you at any age!

Education helps you discover what you love. When was the last time you tried something new that really sparked your interest? You’re sure to find a line of work or hobby where you can constantly learn and develop your skills as long as you try out new activities.

No matter how much effort you put into your schooling, however, it won’t be enough if there isn’t something in particular that motivates you to keep at it. Learning from things that excite and inspire you is far more engaging than any dry educational lecture; with school, take advantage of opportunities to find classes about topics that pique your curiosity.

6) It gives you a fresh perspective on life

No matter how much you love your major, being in college is still a learning experience. You’ll be exposed to new ideas, and cultures and maybe even get out of your comfort zone (gasp!). It helps you find your passion: Your college years are all about figuring out what you want to do with your life.

If you’re able to figure out where you want to go, it makes it easier for others to help guide you on your way (and might even save time). It helps build critical thinking skills: When you’re juggling classes and extracurriculars, there are plenty of opportunities for practice and feedback. No one said it was easy, but nothing is ever accomplished without effort.

No matter what kind of job you have, there’s always room to improve. Whether it’s building great work relationships or expanding your professional network, learning outside of class can be a great way to get ahead. It forces you to take responsibility: There will always be good and bad days in college, but one thing is consistent – they all come down to how much effort you put in.

7) Learning helps you grow as a person

We learn new things every day—if we stop learning, then we stop growing. Education not only provides us with an avenue to grow our minds and abilities, but it also gives us a leg up in our careers. Without an education, you limit your opportunities to succeed professionally; working on formal schooling shows potential employers that you’re serious about your career and willing to put time into growing as a professional.

The saying those who can’t do, teach applies here: without teachers showing you how things are done, you might never know how they are done yourself. And that means no creative freedom as a professional in whatever field of expertise you choose.

There are so many things you can learn in school, and almost all of them have a role to play in your career. Some teach you soft skills—like managing yourself, managing other people, communicating effectively, and handling stressful situations—that help you succeed at work regardless of what field you’re in. Other subjects let you develop technical or vocational skills that will let you do specific tasks better and faster as a professional.

The subjects you study also determine how open or narrow your range of employment opportunities is. If your school doesn’t offer specific courses like how to program apps or manage business finances, for example, then your career choices may be more limited than if they did.

8) Learning makes you more interesting

Learning new things helps you do your job better, which means your boss and coworkers will want to spend more time with you. Most of us at one point or another have had a professor who was boring, someone who put us to sleep and caused us to miss class; and no matter how good their teaching skills are it’s never a good thing to have that kind of reputation.

On top of that, you never know when what you learn in school will come in handy in future endeavors outside of work. Getting extra education can also open up opportunities for more money; employers often offer better salaries to those with more credentials.

Learning new things also helps you enjoy life more. You’ll find yourself having better conversations at social gatherings, feeling more engaged and interested in projects at work, and watching movies that are based on fact instead of fiction.

Studying history can also open your eyes to how much people have achieved over time, which can motivate you to achieve great things of your own. It can even be a fun pastime where you get to learn from other people’s mistakes, making sure not to repeat them yourself. Lastly, learning is just plain fun; what could be better than getting paid for something you enjoy?

9) Learning lets you have new hobbies and interests

Learning lets you discover passions, talents, and interests you didn’t know existed. If you learned how to play an instrument or how to paint a picture, you can find new hobbies that enrich your life and help you connect with others. Likewise, learning a new language can lead to career opportunities in foreign countries—or just allow you to visit those countries more easily.

Learning also gives you access to knowledge about medicine, finance, and art. Schools offer lots of hands-on experiences for students so they can discover what they like and what they don’t—and then pursue it further as adults.

You’ll improve your career opportunities. Learning today can benefit you in many ways, especially when it comes to work and making a living. Not only do most employers look for applicants with an education, but there are several types of degrees that can help you pursue your dream jobs and career paths in business, computer programming, fashion design or even culinary arts.

If you’re unhappy with your current job and want a more fulfilling career path, consider investing in learning courses such as leadership training or public speaking classes to help change your path—and income—for the better.

10) Learning is empowering!

Knowledge really is power, and a good education is empowering. It’s what gives you a leg up in life, whatever your ambitions might be. People with college degrees are more likely to be healthier and happier, earn higher wages, and have lower stress levels—all of which have been linked to longer lifespans.

When you think about it, there’s never been a better time for lifelong learning. With technology making so much information accessible at our fingertips and helping us connect with each other across oceans, learning has never been easier or more engaging than it is today.

Additionally, when you have an education, you’re also more likely to be up-to-date on safety issues. You understand how to drive safely in bad weather or on unfamiliar roads, and how to spot potentially dangerous situations or people. You know what emergency information to provide should something happen while you’re out with friends.

And most importantly, you understand how your body works and can take measures to protect it from any dangers lurking around every corner. The world we live in can be unpredictable sometimes, but being smart can help us steer clear of danger—and stay healthy as a result!


We spend most of our waking lives at school. It’s a vital part of growing up and learning how to be successful. Many students forget what a privilege it is to attend school, but teachers remember that not everyone has such an opportunity—and they work tirelessly to give every student as much attention as possible, so they can be successful in life. You’re probably used to taking your education for granted, but hopefully, these reasons have reminded you how valuable it is.

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